22 research outputs found

    Neural approaches to dialog modeling

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    Cette thèse par article se compose de quatre articles qui contribuent au domaine de l’apprentissage profond, en particulier dans la compréhension et l’apprentissage des ap- proches neuronales des systèmes de dialogue. Le premier article fait un pas vers la compréhension si les architectures de dialogue neuronal couramment utilisées capturent efficacement les informations présentes dans l’historique des conversations. Grâce à une série d’expériences de perturbation sur des ensembles de données de dialogue populaires, nous constatons que les architectures de dialogue neuronal couramment utilisées comme les modèles seq2seq récurrents et basés sur des transformateurs sont rarement sensibles à la plupart des perturbations du contexte d’entrée telles que les énoncés manquants ou réorganisés, les mots mélangés, etc. Le deuxième article propose d’améliorer la qualité de génération de réponse dans les systèmes de dialogue de domaine ouvert en modélisant conjointement les énoncés avec les attributs de dialogue de chaque énoncé. Les attributs de dialogue d’un énoncé se réfèrent à des caractéristiques ou des aspects discrets associés à un énoncé comme les actes de dialogue, le sentiment, l’émotion, l’identité du locuteur, la personnalité du locuteur, etc. Le troisième article présente un moyen simple et économique de collecter des ensembles de données à grande échelle pour modéliser des systèmes de dialogue orientés tâche. Cette approche évite l’exigence d’un schéma d’annotation d’arguments complexes. La version initiale de l’ensemble de données comprend 13 215 dialogues basés sur des tâches comprenant six domaines et environ 8 000 entités nommées uniques, presque 8 fois plus que l’ensemble de données MultiWOZ populaire.This thesis by article consists of four articles which contribute to the field of deep learning, specifically in understanding and learning neural approaches to dialog systems. The first article takes a step towards understanding if commonly used neural dialog architectures effectively capture the information present in the conversation history. Through a series of perturbation experiments on popular dialog datasets, wefindthatcommonly used neural dialog architectures like recurrent and transformer-based seq2seq models are rarely sensitive to most input context perturbations such as missing or reordering utterances, shuffling words, etc. The second article introduces a simple and cost-effective way to collect large scale datasets for modeling task-oriented dialog systems. This approach avoids the requirement of a com-plex argument annotation schema. The initial release of the dataset includes 13,215 task-based dialogs comprising six domains and around 8k unique named entities, almost 8 times more than the popular MultiWOZ dataset. The third article proposes to improve response generation quality in open domain dialog systems by jointly modeling the utterances with the dialog attributes of each utterance. Dialog attributes of an utterance refer to discrete features or aspects associated with an utterance like dialog-acts, sentiment, emotion, speaker identity, speaker personality, etc. The final article introduces an embedding-free method to compute word representations on-the-fly. This approach significantly reduces the memory footprint which facilitates de-ployment in on-device (memory constraints) devices. Apart from being independent of the vocabulary size, we find this approach to be inherently resilient to common misspellings

    AUTODIAL: Efficient Asynchronous Task-Oriented Dialogue Model

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    As large dialogue models become commonplace in practice, the problems surrounding high compute requirements for training, inference and larger memory footprint still persists. In this work, we present AUTODIAL, a multi-task dialogue model that addresses the challenges of deploying dialogue model. AUTODIAL utilizes parallel decoders to perform tasks such as dialogue act prediction, domain prediction, intent prediction, and dialogue state tracking. Using classification decoders over generative decoders allows AUTODIAL to significantly reduce memory footprint and achieve faster inference times compared to existing generative approach namely SimpleTOD. We demonstrate that AUTODIAL provides 3-6x speedups during inference while having 11x fewer parameters on three dialogue tasks compared to SimpleTOD. Our results show that extending current dialogue models to have parallel decoders can be a viable alternative for deploying them in resource-constrained environments

    Data-Efficiency with a Single GPU: An Exploration of Transfer Methods for Small Language Models

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    Multi-task learning (MTL), instruction tuning, and prompting have recently been shown to improve the generalizability of large language models to new tasks. However, the benefits of such methods are less well-documented in smaller language models, with some studies finding contradictory results. In this work, we explore and isolate the effects of (i) model size, (ii) general purpose MTL, (iii) in-domain MTL, (iv) instruction tuning, and (v) few-shot fine-tuning for models with fewer than 500 million parameters. Our experiments in the zero-shot setting demonstrate that models gain 31% relative improvement, on average, from general purpose MTL, with an additional 37.6% relative gain from in-domain MTL. Contradictory to prior works on large models, we find that instruction tuning provides a modest 2% performance improvement for small models

    Do Neural Dialog Systems Use the Conversation History Effectively? An Empirical Study

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    Neural generative models have been become increasingly popular when building conversational agents. They offer flexibility, can be easily adapted to new domains, and require minimal domain engineering. A common criticism of these systems is that they seldom understand or use the available dialog history effectively. In this paper, we take an empirical approach to understanding how these models use the available dialog history by studying the sensitivity of the models to artificially introduced unnatural changes or perturbations to their context at test time. We experiment with 10 different types of perturbations on 4 multi-turn dialog datasets and find that commonly used neural dialog architectures like recurrent and transformer-based seq2seq models are rarely sensitive to most perturbations such as missing or reordering utterances, shuffling words, etc. Also, by open-sourcing our code, we believe that it will serve as a useful diagnostic tool for evaluating dialog systems in the future.Comment: To appear at ACL 2019(oral; nominated for best paper